• NotebookLM will let me get through my backlog of articles

    NotebookLM will let me get through my backlog of articles

    Google just released their new NotebookLM experiement that turns your notes and websites into real conversations or spoken summaries. It may sound like just another fun toy, but having played around with it for the last few hrs, I can see a ton of usecases. Just getting a summary of all the articles I never…

  • A very brief summary of current research on business impact of Generative AI

    A very brief summary of current research on business impact of Generative AI

    As we rapidly cross Gartner’s peak of inflated expectations and navigate the fog of overhyped stories, it is time to brace for their trough of disillusionment. I’ve therefore tried to sort the facts from the hype by looking at the results of the last 12 months of research.  Before you read on, if you have a real…

  • How AI taught me six languages in 30 mins

    The convergence phase of any new technology, where individual innovations are brought together to drive new use-cases, is usually where things become most interesting. Recently, HeyGen labs released a beta of a video translation service that shows some of that potential. It is not flawless or live yet, but it shows some of what our…

  • Reduce the Noise – Simple habits for a better workday

    Reduce the Noise – Simple habits for a better workday

    Summer vacation is coming. My family and I are halfway out the door to explore a new part of the world, but before I go, here is a short article from our Work Smarter series that will hopefully help those of you still struggling at the office to stay sane. There are few things that…

  • I hid my tech clutter behind the TV

    I hid my tech clutter behind the TV

    Although we have plenty of room below the TV, digging around in there was really annoying, so for the last few week, I’ve been working on a project to put everything on the wall behind it instead. The beauty of this setup is that with no wires to the bench below, I can remove it…

  • No-smoking Smoke Breaks

    No-smoking Smoke Breaks

    So, this was mostly just a fun idea, but after almost 50 years of not smoking, and the askance looks of smokers whenever I ventured too close to one of their outside hangouts, I decided it was time for an app that allows you to smoke a cigarette, without smoking. The app will prompt you…

  • Qualk v2

    Qualk v2

    I created a second version of Qualk because I was unhappy with how complex it was to create Qualks. It is not a lot easier to create and share them. Here is the sales text from App Store: Qualk lets you create Quiz Walks (Qualks), and share them with friends, family and colleagues for fun,…

  • FindDotPairs


    Classic memory game reimagined as an action game. I was taking care of my second child at the time, so I also build in some toddler activation. https://apps.apple.com/td/app/find-dot-pairs/id1503934826?platform=iphone

  • Qualk v1 – Make geohunts for your friends

    Qualk v1 – Make geohunts for your friends

    Sometimes a project just sticks with you for a long time. Kathrine pitched the idea of making an app that would allow everyone to make their own geohunts for their friends, and although it’s a bit beyond my development skill level, I’ve managed to put together something that actually work. EDIT: This was the 1st…

  • Digital transformation

    Digital transformation

    Part 1 Having spent over ten years in the digital trenches of corporate multinationals, and most of those in positions with copious opportunities for having to live with my own decisions, I’ve learned a lot of valuable lessons. The first and most important one is that there are no cookie-cutter solutions. It may seem enticingly…

  • dotEquals


    My first app attempt is a simple unit converter app, but the simplicity of the app itself made it possible to play around with the UI. Getting everything to work together was a total nightmare, but in the end it was worth it creating a very unique looking tool.

  • Bite-sized training – Changing the way we change

    Bite-sized training – Changing the way we change

    As most other companies we’re battling a combination of attention fatigue and generational gaps in Carlsberg. This makes it almost impossible to communicate new concepts and push the organization in new directions. We therefore want to create ways of communicating that gives people maximum value with minimal effort. One concept we’ve been testing recently is…

  • Office 365 periodic table alternative

    Office 365 periodic table alternative

    A lot of our non-tech colleagues have a hard time wrapping their heads around what Office 365 is, so we’ve tried distributing the Office 365 Periodic Table in Carlsberg, but it doesn’t seem to work as well as we’d hoped. I have therefore come up with the two drafts below. Goal is to make illustrations…

  • I Built an Electric Skateboard Rack

    I Built an Electric Skateboard Rack

    My newfound passion for electric skateboards, caused a bit of a pile-up in the living room, so I decided to create a rack. My main objective was to get them out of the way and charging with as little fuss as possible, so here is what I came up with. 1 – Board with risers…

  • Microsoft video of digital workplace at Carlsberg

    Microsoft video of digital workplace at Carlsberg

    Microsofts Judson Althoff and Julia White kindly shared their stage with us at the Gartner ITXpos in Orlando and Barcelona, to talk about digital workplace at Carlsberg. Below are a few pics, a video, and the post from the Microsoft blog.   https://blogs.microsoft.com/transform/video/brewing-a-new-age-carlsberg-taps-technology-to-modernize-a-centuries-old-company/#sm.0001htqjg31ci7eukxwvglg3u3aje

  • Ignite – Lessons learned from the Carlsberg group

    Ignite – Lessons learned from the Carlsberg group

    Thank you, all you great, talented, and fun people at Ignite 2016! I wish I could have attended more sessions, but since Microsoft has been gracious enough to publish everything on YouTube, I expect to spend the next few months getting smarter. Below is my small addition. I hope you’ll find it entertaining, and if…

  • Carlsberg Office 365 – Ignite 2016

    Carlsberg Office 365 – Ignite 2016

    So, Ignite is over and if you missed it, here’s a presentation of how a relatively conservative Danish company decided to migrate their entire workplace infrastructure to Office 365 before any of their European peers, and what they learned along the way.

  • CIT Forum talk on Carlsberg cloud strategy (London)

    CIT Forum talk on Carlsberg cloud strategy (London)

    Unfortunately, my schedule didn’t allow travelling, but apparently I was on a big screen at the other end as I talked about Modern Workplace, our Carlsberg cloud strategy, and the impact of switching to Office 365.

  • The necessity of naive optimism

    The necessity of naive optimism

    I recently did a presentation of our 15-year intranet and website journey in Carlsberg to a number of our peers. With 70+ websites and intranets managed across 30 markets on pretty much a shoe-string, we’re an interesting case on how much can be achieved with very little. However, at the end I shared my vision of a…

  • Review: Office 365 Sway and new blog

    Review: Office 365 Sway and new blog

    Microsoft recently introduced two new features to Office 365. One is the new Sway, which I believe Alexander Bradley introduced as the “first Office product to fully step away from the paper metaphor”, and the other is the new Blog. Having spent a fair effort at maintaining my old Office 365 blog, I was of course not entirely…

  • SharePoint use-cases: Custom traffic-lights using List View column-styles

    SharePoint use-cases: Custom traffic-lights using List View column-styles

    I always advise against customization. It is too expensive long-term, and too unstable when the environment is upgraded or moved. Instead I advocate the less-is-more approach. Make as few changes as possible to achieve your goal, and always use out-of-the-box for a while before deciding on any changes. However, in some cases it is unavoidable, and…

  • I made two wall-mounted bedside tables with charging and light

    I made two wall-mounted bedside tables with charging and light

    As we’re moving into our new apartment, we needed someplace to put our books, charge our phones and keep the clutter. We couldn’t find any options that didn’t involve too much floor real-estate, and I wanted something a bit more elegant. I therefore put together these two wall-mounted bedside tables, and added light and charging…

  • Seems I’m not the only one

    Seems I’m not the only one

    If you liked my article on Lync, I recommend this article from Derrick Wlodarz on why Microsoft should retire Skype in favor of it: http://betanews.com/2014/05/26/skype-vs-lync-the-case-for-killing-off-skype/ It’s a bit long (who am I to talk!), but the points are very valid and exacerbated by the fact that Enterprise Customers, like Carlsberg, are tying our IT roadmaps…

  • Wake up! Why Microsoft could be missing the opportunity of a lifetime with Lync – Part 3 of 3

    Wake up! Why Microsoft could be missing the opportunity of a lifetime with Lync – Part 3 of 3

    <- Previous post (2 of 3) So what is it that Microsoft should be doing? Well, before I go into that, let me start by saying that I’m perfectly aware that the team working on this are dealing with a ton of commercial, organisational, and technical constraints that I’m completely oblivious to. No input from…

  • Wake up! Why Microsoft could be missing the opportunity of a lifetime with Lync – Part 2 of 3

    Wake up! Why Microsoft could be missing the opportunity of a lifetime with Lync – Part 2 of 3

    <- Previous Post (1 of 3) Now what is the problem with providing a Lync Room System? Obviously the benefits touted in the release blogpost are mostly true. You do save time on starting meetings, it will bring better utilization than the old conferencing systems, it does provide more screen real-estate and therefore better interaction,…

  • Wake up! Why Microsoft could be missing the opportunity of a lifetime with Lync – Part 1 of 3

    Wake up! Why Microsoft could be missing the opportunity of a lifetime with Lync – Part 1 of 3

    I may not be the worlds foremost expert on video-conferencing systems, but I do have a central role in purchasing them for a company of 40.000+ people, so when I see a new player in the market, I get interested. I expect them to step up and challenge status quo. I don’t expect them to…

  • I made a flowerbox for hiding cables and charging gadgets

    I made a flowerbox for hiding cables and charging gadgets

    A while ago, I came across this great little grass covered box for hiding chargers for your gadgets, but when I tried to buy one, they were not on sale anymore. I’m unsure why. Maybe this is a really bad idea that will melt the box as soon as too many gadgets are put in there,…

  • Embed specific PowerPoint slide in SharePoint 2013 page

    Embed specific PowerPoint slide in SharePoint 2013 page

    One of the main limitations in the new way of showing PowerPoint slides on SharePoint in 2013, is that you can’t show a specific slide. In the following I’ll go through the two standard ways to show PowerPoints on SharePoint pages, and then my work-around to show a specific page. Method 1 – Standard Embedding…

  • Three lessons from rolling out Office 365 at Carlsberg

    Three lessons from rolling out Office 365 at Carlsberg

    As a ten year IT Enterprise Architecture veteran in a world leading FMCG/CPG like Carlsberg, you’d think the roll-out of an out-of-the-box service like Office 365 would be smooth sailing. This was not the case. But before you start thinking this is a blame-game complainer-post about all the things wrong with Carlsberg, Microsoft, IT, or…

  • Fitting a ton of movies on an iPad

    Fitting a ton of movies on an iPad

    For our recent vacation I wanted a reasonable number of movies on my step-daughters 16 GB iPad, which is kind of hard since they take up 1.5-2GB a piece. After three days of fiddling with Handbrake, I got something that reduces the size of movies to around 400 MB in size while still being watchable:…

  • I made floating shelves for the living room that can carry a ton

    I made floating shelves for the living room that can carry a ton

    My architect friend Mikkel came up with the concept for these shelves, and I thought it was such a cool way of making something, that looks like floating shelves, but can carry a ton of books and other things. The shelves are not attached directly to the wall, but resting on vertical boards that are…

  • I made a bench for our hallway to hide clutter

    I made a bench for our hallway to hide clutter

    We had a narrow hall and needed some storage for shoes, mittens, caps and other crapola, and I therefore built this bench. It serves a dual purpose of framing the noisy areas, and sitting on when tying shoes etc. EDIT: After almost ten years, two more kids, and a LOT more mess, this bench is…

  • Excel Geekness

    Excel Geekness

    Every once in a while I go geek. I don’t apologize for it. It’s been a fixpoint in my life since I was old enough to crawl under the coffee table and push the big buttons on our bulbous and bright red 70s TV set. The TV finally broke (NOT my fault), but the habit…

  • Is your Smartphone killing your Dads job in IT?

    Is your Smartphone killing your Dads job in IT?

    It has been obvious for some time that the revolution of IT is fundamentally changing businesses. At one end normal people, like you and me, are buying increasing numbers of personal gadgets, bringing them to work, and using them as a central part of our working life. Along with our Gmail, Facebook, and other social…

  • Should you be scared of our evil cloud overlords?

    Should you be scared of our evil cloud overlords?

    I must admit that until Matt Jacobson of Facebook stopped by my workplace for a marketing session yesterday and spent significant time debunking peoples concerns about storing their stuff online, I’d mostly focused on the corporate, legal, and commercial issues and not concerned myself too much with the fact that the majority of my personal…

  • My Last Year in Gadgets

    My Last Year in Gadgets

    Now, those who know me, know that I’m one of those no-financial-commitments-whatsoever bastards that go through gadgets like most people go through change of underwear. I’ll buy something – seemingly on the spur of the moment – play around with it for about two weeks of geek-bliss, and then suddenly it’ll be off to that mysterious graveyard…

  • Five Obstacles for the Cloud Enterprise

    Five Obstacles for the Cloud Enterprise

    With SaaS pundits and tech-bloggers going bananas over cloud, it can be tempting to see deviceless 100% cloud-enabled enterprise as just around the corner. There is no question that the cloud is a great place for consumers, small startups, and even SMBs, but once you get into major enterprises, and particularly classic enterprises like FMCGs,…

  • The TCO/ROI Scoping SweetSpot

    The TCO/ROI Scoping SweetSpot

    If your IT costs are rising constantly on a wave of apparently critical legacy systems that you don’t know how to get rid of and nobody knows how to support, chances are you are missing the TCO/ROI sweetspot when scoping your business cases and projects. Estimating how many users, servers, licenses, and features you need…

  • Social Media Introduction

    Social Media Introduction

    For some reason I often find myself explaining basic Web 2.0 and Social Media Marketing concepts to people who have neither the time nor the interest to move much beyond the “hey is this a Tweet?!” stage. So, although I’m totally aware that some of these concepts are still apexing the hype-cycle and have pundits…

  • Her Scattered Gold – part 2

    Her Scattered Gold – part 2

    So finally we managed to get all of us in one room to finish what we started. Maya and Matilde did everything in one-takes as usual and recorded some beautiful songs, while I produced (which with this Lion upgrade mainly consisted of getting the sound to work). As soon as we’ve made the final tweaks…

  • Template for Enterprise ROI and TCO Calculations

    Template for Enterprise ROI and TCO Calculations

    This template for improving consistency in ROI and TCO calculations is one I build for my company. Feel free to download, use it, and share your experience. Introduction One of the most critical, and yet annoyingly abstract excercises in IT, is to make consistent and mutually acceptable evaluations of costs and benefits. There are so…

  • Her Scattered Gold

    Her Scattered Gold

    I had the distinct pleasure of helping two incredibly talented young ladies record a few of their beautiful songs today. Lucky for me, they allowed me to publish the result, but you’ll need to talk to them about how to get a copy. Until you do, listen and enjoy.  

  • Pagan Son

    Pagan Son

    I wrote this song on a Sunday morning, recorded it over lunch, and made the video in the afternoon. From a creative process point of view, this was a near perfect experience. From my Mums perspective it was a disaster that I shared my unmade bed on YouTube, but them’s the breaks. If I sing,…

  • Too Late

    Too Late

    I sit in my bedroom in the night I sleep in the bathroom in the day I’m trying my best just to keep it together Cause I still need you And I shouldn’t leave you But I just can’t stay I burned my heart out in the rain Now whoever I love will just share…

  • København


    Vi er de ikke nedeVi er de ikke fedeVi bli’ vist væk og så vi komme igenGenerne kiksed’ADD ikke fiksetMen vi skal fan’me aldrig hjemAldrig hjemAldrig hjemVi er de elitær’Vi er the please la vær’Vi komme først og du må ik’ komme medAldrig hjemAldrig hjemJeg husker ik’ dit navnMen du sover I min favnI KøbenhavnI…

  • Campari


    Song with quotes from the Viktoria boat on our Croatia trip. I think you’d have to have been there to enjoy this one 🙂

  • Nu holder du

    Nu holder du

    Song with quotes from the Linnea boat on our Croatia trip. Sounds so much like a crazy dance-hit that it is a bit scary.

  • Can’t Forget

    Can’t Forget

    Been taking my time gettin’ real Been spillin’ my lines no big deal And the days flash by like teardrops On a windshield covered mind sittin’ here Sleepless on a summer night Yeah yeah – I can’t forget your body Yeah yeah – I can’t forget your body Yeah yeah – I can’t forget your…

  • Bounce


    Bounce Bounce, gonna get up and never get down Bounce Bounce, we don’t bleed tonight Bounce Bounce, I never wanna see or feel ground Bounce Bounce, got to live tonight tonight yeah Slowly moving in firelight, as the sinners play the game Golden morning a siren sighs, ’cause the burnin’ stays the same I never…

